Super Granny 6: World 5: Ice Caves

Super Granny 6 Walkthrough provides a complete walkthrough to the most challenging Super Granny game yet. Our walkthrough provides detailed instructions and/or video solutions for all of the most difficult levels and screenshots for every level. This is a must have to get through the game while picking up all of the collectibles available in the game.

5-1 Brrr...windchill

5-1 Brrr...windchill

5-2 Ice bridges

5-2 Ice bridges

5-2 Ice bridges

5-2 Ice bridges

  • There is a gem on the first screen that will get a ladder to it once you rescue all the kitties.
  • There is also a fake floor at the bottom of a ladder above another gem; you can also use the whip to get to it.
  • On the second screen, the gem at the bottom left can be obtained by digging and a false floor.
  • And on the third screen, yet another gem with a false floor above it.

5-3 You Needed That



5-4 Unstable ground

5-4 Unstable ground

5-4 Unstable ground

  • On the first screen, do not go to the bottom left without your purse and enough time to wait on it for the floor to regenerate.
  • There is ice on this level so watch for slipping when you change directions.
  • The pink dinos are slow enough that they will fall through the collapsing floor.
  • On the bottom screen, the gem and kitty on the right can be obtained by going to the top ledge and letting the one floor above the other collapse while standing on it.

5-5 Whip it good

5-5 Whip it good

5-5 Whip it good

5-5 Whip it good

  • On the first screen, you do not want to get the kitties in any of the stone "goo holes" as you will not be able to get them out.
  • There is one goo hole that has a false floor just above the meow gate.
  • You need the whip or goo to get to the other two screens.
  • The left screen is a little tricky as you cannot bring kitties down to the bottom (see red line on screenshot-don't take them past that line)
  • Collect all the kitties on the right side of the screen and take them to the meow gate.
  • Return and get the whip and whip yourself across the bottom of the screen. 
  • Note the two left goo holes have false floors and you will die if you get in them.
  • Pick up the kitties the first time through.
  • Get the gems the second time through.
  • There is a big false floor hole above the center gem (see screenshot).
  • On the right screen use your goo jumping tricks to get to the hat and then retrieve the kitties on the ledges above.
  • Return to the hat ledge by using the whip.
  • Get the gem at the right and work your way back to the meow gate. 

5-6 Switches Have It

  • Watch video for how to flip the switches while not getting killed and then trap the T-rex again.
  • On the bottom screen just flip the switches as you get a door opened to it.  There is only one switch near the bottom that you don't need but it won't hurt you to open it, so go crazy!


5-7 Just Tryin to Work

5-7 Just Tryin to Work


5-8 I Feel Dizzy

5-8 I Feel Dizzy

  • Depending on how much help you need, look at the screenshot for labeled teleporters.
  • Look at the video for the solution.


5-16 Express Bomber

5-16 Express Bomber

5-16 Express Bomber

  • It's not too difficult to get the 3 dinos to follow you around and collect all the kitties and gems before you get to the top.
  • I recommend not trying to kill the dinos with the bombs.
  • Just ignore the fact that you have the bombs.
  • Once you have all the kitties move to the second screen.
  • Blow out the rock to one of the meow gates.
  • Just snag the kitties when the spiders are on the opposite side of their ledges.

5-17 Kitties inna sky

  • I hate bats!
  • Look at the first screenshot.
  • You want to go up along the sides.  It's easier to time the bats that way and you only have to worry about one bat.
  • The bats turn around at the red squares.
  • The black squares are safe ledges to start off from.
  • I like used in the red marked pathway to get up. 
  • This is a level where you just have to be careful and not too greedy.
  • Take a look at the video.  It will show you the path to get up and how to get the gems on the second screen.
  • Note that the top left gem on the second screen has to be obtained from the top screen and then you will have to commit suicide.


5-18 Do Not Lose Whip

5-18 Do Not Lose Whip

5-18 Do Not Lose Whip

  • There are only two holes that you can't go across with kitties.
  • All the rest have false floors.
  • Take a look at the screen shots to find out which ones you can't go over with kitties.

5-19 Locked my keys in

5-19 Locked my keys in

  • You can't get to the keys at the top left, but luckily there is a false floor to get you to the key in the middle.
  • While you have to take Granny up on the spring to get to the whip, you cannot drop down onto the spring because you won't be able to get off.
  • Also watch out for the spikes. 

5-20 Ice plant

5-20 Ice plant

5-20 Ice plant

5-20 Ice plant

  • In the starting center screen, the only tricky part is to remember to bring the key from the top of the center section so that you don't lose it by picking up the watering can..
  • After unlocking each of the gates, go back and get a watering can because you will need it once. 
  • On the right screen, there are some tricky spots.
  • First you cannot bring kitties across any of the holes, except the right most one; so go after the gems after you rescue the kitties.
  • You can get across to the gem on the bottom left with the whip from the middle of the ladder and then drop through the false floor.  Be sure you have enough whip time to make it back across.
  • The gem at the top left of the screen will be reachable after you rescue all the kitties. 
  • On the left screen, the only trick is to be careful and not get hit by the bats.
  • There is a gem in the center of the screen that you will get a ladder for when you rescue the kittes.

5-21 Frigidaire

  • Just a couple tricky spots; check out the video.


5-22 Single source

5-22 Single source

5-22 Single source

  • The bottom screen is tougher because you don't have any weapons and it's all rock.
  • Grab the Super Granny S, kill the dinos, and head down to the bottom screen.
  • Get the two soldiers to chase you, rescue as many kitties as you can at a time, and hope the queen doesn't get you.
  • You can occasionally head up to the top to grab the Super S to knock off the soldiers, just be sure to kill the dinos before you go down.
  • Don't waste your time on the top screen until you've finished the bottom.

5-23 Diamond mines

5-23 Diamond mines

5-23 Diamond mines

5-23 Diamond mines

  • First go left across the monkey bars and take the elevator up to the left screen.
  • Push the crate onto the gate button and collect everything on the left screen.
  • When finished, push the crate to the right and dig out from under it to drop it to the next level.
  • Return to the middle screen and ride the elevator to the crate and dig out from it twice, which will drop it onto the conveyor.
  • Drop onto the crate and off to the left and push the crate to the right into the hole.
  • The rest of the level is easy; just be sure not to let any of the kitties get onto the ground on the right side of the gate.
  • Right screen, the gem on the bottom right can be gotten with the whip.

5-24 Bridge Really Far

5-24 Bridge Really Far

5-24 Bridge Really Far

5-24 Bridge Really Far

  • This level is very long (4 screens) but there is nothing incredibly tricky.

5-25 Final Countdown

5-25 Final Countdown