Let our Adelantado Trilogy: Book One Walkthrough be your compass and map as you embark on your journey of exploration in this exciting resource planner game by the makers of Roads of Rome. Build farms, hire workers, smash pots, and explore the native lands around you with help from our comprehensive walkthrough.
How is it possible that we are only about a week away from Thanksgiving?! I could have sworn Halloween was just the other day... I still have candy left over! Ok... well, that's a lie. I bought a bag of candy after Halloween because it was on sale... yes, that's the kind of person I am... don't judge me.
Despite Thanksgiving looming on the schedule, I am actually pretty excited about it this year. We're making the trip up to South Carolina to see my family, just me, the husband, and the Molly dog. My family seems pretty excited about it too, but that could be because when I go home for Thanksgiving, I cook the entire meal. And this year I just found out they are expecting 17 people for dinner...
Anyhow... it looks like I'm not going to have too much time for playing while I'm up there, so I better get all I can in this week in between work and menu planning... I think I'm going to need two turkeys... really? Two turkeys???
While I'm desperately trying to channel my inner Martha Stewart, I'll leave you to enjoy the Adelantado Trilogy: Book One Walkthrough we've posted.

This guide has it all. Every single chapter of the game from part one and part two with instructions on exactly what to do first in order to complete the game in hard mode. We've also got complete maps of each location clearly labeled so you can see exactly where all the key items and quests are.
If you haven't played Adelantado Trilogy: Book One, and you loved the Roads of Rome games, you have to try this game. I did a full Adelantado Trilogy: Book One Review that you can check out for all the in-depth details of the game, but suffice it to say that this one was amazing for resource management lovers - I gave it a solid 5 stars!
Adelantado Trilogy: Book One takes some careful strategizing in order to complete the chapters in Hard Mode, so it might not be a bad idea to study the Adelantado Trilogy: Book One Walkthrough before you begin such an undertaking. Especially since each chapter can be very long!!
As always, we hope you enjoy our Adelantado Trilogy: Book One Walkthrough!