Last year around this time my son bought me a computer and sent it to me in the mail. My daughter came over and hooked it up for me because I was completely clueless and still am about how to hook one of these things up. Then my son, bless his heart, started to try and teach me how to use it. I don’t know where he gets all his patience but slowly things started to come together. At first I was afraid I would break it if I touched anything but soon I realized it was tougher than I thought. The way I learned was playing games. I learned how to do almost everything I wanted to do because I wanted to play a certain game. So between my son and Casual Games I am expanding my world through the computer. This brings me to this week’s review.
As you know most of my reviews have been Match 3 games. But this week we are playing a match 3 game with more puzzles in it. The game is called 4 Elements. You solve the books of wind, fire, air and water. This game includes Hidden objects, match 3, and find the difference in 2 cards and a lot of little puzzles in the pictures they give you for the hidden objects. Be sure you pay close attention to the clues given you when the game begins. You will need them all to play the game. You get help from the little fairy that pops up on each level but you still need to remember the basics at the beginning of the game. Make sure you include the frozen tiles when you are making a chain in the match 3.
It is a little different than we are used to. Watch the arrows so you know where you must put the energy. Also look for the flaming arrows on the sides of the puzzle. They will help you clear the grid. After you find the hidden pieces you have to put them back in the puzzle and then find the key that unlocks the book before you can go on to the next phase. I don’t see all that well so I just click all over the puzzle till it comes up. Be sure to look carefully at the cards that come up after you finish each match 3 game. You will have to find the difference in 2 cards placed side by side before you can continue. I haven’t finished this game yet but it has been a lot of fun and very challenging so far.
Expand your horizons and give this game a try.