Kids of Hellas: Back to Olympus
Kids of Hellas: Back to Olympus is an engaging time management game that will keep you on your toes as you race your way through challenging levels in order to gain 3-star status. (The struggle is very real.)
Kids of Hellas: Back to Olympus is an engaging time management game that will keep you on your toes as you race your way through challenging levels in order to gain 3-star status. (The struggle is very real.)
Kids of Hellas: Back to Olympus is an exciting resource management game that is well executed and just about everything you could want from this type of game… it even has an engaging story, which is kind of rare for a TM game.
It appears as though Zeus was running his mouth a little too much and his brother Hades had just enough of his lip. Hades got the sorceress Ate… (pronounce ah te… not like I ate your breakfast) to cast a curse on Zeus to make him forget his children. All the kids of Olympus were then thrown from there home and are now forced to try to make it on their own without the help of daddy dearest.
You’ll need to figure out how to survive on your own real quick in this land of mortals, but good news… you’ll have plenty of time to learn the ropes as the levels start off slow and increase in difficulty as you go on.
Kids of Hellas: Back to Olympus can be played in 3 different difficulty levels so you can adjust the gameplay to suit your mood. Easy has no time limits and is best for when you want to just chill and build things and gather resources at a leisurely pace. Normal mode has time limits but nothing so crazy as to make you sweat too much. Difficult is for all the people who want to torture themselves by racing against a seemingly impossible clock. You all have fun you crazy kids.
Kids of Hellas: Back to Olympus is available in a Collector’s Edition at the moment, but will be available in a Standard Edition if you’d like to wait for a less expensive version with less goodies. The CE comes with an integrated Kids of Hellas: Back to Olympus Walkthrough as well as bonus levels and some cute wallpapers.
Kids of Hellas is available to play for free for the first 60 minutes if you want to try the game out for yourself. That should definitely let you get through a decent amount of levels so you can really get a feel if this is something that needs to be added to your game collection. To get started, just click on that “install” button above!