So... between studying for those upcoming finals - the final finals - I decided to take a look at some of my old work. As I was sorting through old papers I had written, it occurred to me to take a look at some of my old online work. I came across Dream Chronicles 2: The Eternal Maze walkthrough and was prepared to gaze upon the glory of one of my first-ever adventure game strategy guides.
I gazed alright… in horror! What was I thinking all those years ago - well, four years ago, but still, it seems like a lifetime?! I thought to myself, "This guide is horrible; there are hardly any screenshots, no detailed puzzle solutions, where are the videos?" It was there and then that I decided this walkthrough needed to be revised, refreshed, and simply updated!
So, update it I did. I have re-played the entire game and re-wrote the entire walkthrough just for you! I have added lots of screenshots, video solutions for those pesky maze puzzles, and included the whereabouts for every single Dream Piece and Dream Jewel in the game! You're welcome!