Island Tribe 4: Levels 11 to 20

Our Island Tribe 4 Walkthrough will be your tour guide as you travel through time and distant lands in search of the altar that can set your new friend, the pirate, free from his evil curse. This Island Tribe Walkthrough is packed full of helpful information as well as custom screenshots, detailed instructions, and videos of each and every level, so you won't have any trouble beating the game on hard mode.

Level 11

  1. Clear to the right to the first snake
  2. Build bridge
  3. Clear to sawmill and put out fire
  4. Upgrade sawmill 3 times
  5. Do not use the stone to clear the way to the first totem
  6. Repair quarry and upgrade twice
  7. Clear to cow farm and upgrade 3 times
  8. Clear snake blocking well and upgrade twice
  9. Build middle totem
  10. Trade with the Merchant on the left wood for grain
  11. Build top totem
  12. Clear to bottom left and build totem
  13. Trade milk for bandages
  14. Remove mummy on bottom right
  15. Restore gatekeeper with 10 stone
  16. Remove mummy on left and pick up crystal
  17. Finish the gatekeeper with the crystal

Level 11



Level 12

  1. Work over to the sawmill and upgrade twice
  2. Work to the well
  3. Upgrade camp twice
  4. Upgrade quarry and well once
  5. Repair apiary and upgrade once
  6. Clear to farm and upgrade twice
  7. Build totem
  8. Trade honey for bandages twice
  9. Clear the top center mummy and pick up milk
  10. Clear last snake blocking merchant
  11. Trade grain for seeds 4 times
  12. Clear last mummy
  13. Build the 2 totems
  14. Plant the seeds and water to grow the palms

Level 12



Level 13

  1. Clear up the road to the 2nd log
  2. Clear down the road and upgrade the camp after clearing the next log
  3. Clear in both directions and then to the apiary
  4. Remove wasps to the bottom left and clear to the sawmill
  5. Upgrade sawmill  twice
  6. Clear wasps to the chicken farm and pick up chicken
  7. Drive away top left crocodile
  8. Clear to well at top left
  9. Upgrade camp
  10. Clear to bottom right corner and the farm
  11. Upgrade well
  12. Clear to quarry at the top
  13. Repair the bottom roads
  14. Upgrade quarry three times
  15. Build bridge and feed crocodile
  16. Feed the bottom crocodileso bottom right
  17. Build top right totem
  18. Pick up bandages
  19. Remove the mummy
  20. Build the totems

Level 13



Level 14

  1. Clear to the right and then up until you get to the log above the well
  2. Clear to the well and the stone above it
  3. Clear around the right to the sawmill
  4. Pick up bandage and drive away mummy
  5. Put out sawmill fire and upgrade twice
  6. Clear up to the farm
  7. Upgrade camp twice
  8. Repair the apiary and upgrade 3 times
  9. Clear in both directions to the top right
  10. Clear to the quarry and upgrade twice
  11. Pick up bandages and remove mummy blocking the crystal merchant
  12. Buy 3 batches of crystals at the merchant
  13. Buy 2 batches of bandages at the other merchant with grain
  14. Pick up the crystal
  15. Drive away the mummies
  16. Build the totems
  17. Use 4 crystals (one at a time) to open the entrance

Level 14



Level 15

  1. Pick up 2 water
  2. Clear to sawmill and put out fire
  3. Light fire
  4. Upgrade the sawmill twice
  5. Light fire
  6. Build top bridge
  7. Build next bridge
  8. Clear to farm
  9. Upgrade camp
  10. Build right bridge
  11. Light fire
  12. Clear to well and upgrade
  13. Upgrade camp
  14. Build middle bridges (2)
  15. Upgrade farm 3 times
  16. Drive away mummy and light fire by well
  17. Build bridge to cow farm
  18. Repair and upgrade cow farm
  19. Clear top snake and work around to the next bridge
  20. Trade for bandages
  21. Build bridge and repair quarry
  22. Upgrade quarry
  23. Upgrade well and cow farm
  24. Clear road while waiting for stone
  25. Build bridge to bottom left
  26. Trade for bandages and drive away mummies
  27. Collect all crystals
  28. Trade 10 milk for 4 crystals
  29. Use 4 crystals to open the 4 magic plates
  30. Drive away the last mummy

Level  15



Level 16

  1. Clear to first fire and light
  2. Clear to the left and pick up water at the well
  3. Put out fire at sawmill
  4. Build bridge
  5. Clear to quarry
  6. Upgrade camp twice
  7. Remove mummy
  8. Trade for crystals
  9. Send 4 crystals to middle magic plate
  10. Clear to snake
  11. Trade twice for crystals
  12. Send crystals to right magic plate
  13. Pick up milk
  14. Drive away the snake blocking the quarry
  15. Put fire out at quarry and repair
  16. Upgrade quarry
  17. Trade stone for bandages
  18. Drive away mummy and pick up milk
  19. Drive away snake
  20. Build bridges across the top to the right
  21. Trade for honey to clear wasps
  22. Trade for 2 more crystals
  23. Send crystal to last magic plate
  24. Clear to quarry and upgrade 3 times
  25. Drive away mummy and build bridge to center
  26. Clear up the center
  27. Collect 10 crystals
  28. Use 5 crystals to open the door
  29. Repair megascarab with 15 wood, 20 stones, and then 5 crystals

Level 16



Level 17

  1. Clear left and right to get 3 milk
  2. Drive away cobra
  3. Put out fire at sawmill and upgrade
  4. Upgrade the sawmill twice more while waiting
  5. Upgrade camp
  6. Clear down to well
  7. Repair farm and well
  8. Upgrade farm and well
  9. Repair road
  10. Work up the road to get bandages
  11. Upgrade camp
  12. Upgrade farm and well
  13. Drive away mummy
  14. Repair and upgrade the chicken farm
  15. Repair the road
  16. Upgrade the grain farm
  17. Drive away crocodile and repair the quarry
  18. Upgrade the chicken farm twice more
  19. Upgrade the camp
  20. Clear up the road
  21. Repair the cow farm and upgrade
  22. Drive off crocodile and build left totem
  23. Work up road and eventually drive off cobras and pick up bandages
  24. Drive off mummy and build totem at the bottom left
  25. Build the bridge
  26. Build the top totem
  27. Drive away the Megacroco with 30 chicken

Level 17



Level 18

  1. Clear to milk before the quarry
  2. Clear to well
  3. Drive away snake
  4. Clear to sawmill and upgrade twice
  5. Repair quarry and upgrade
  6. Upgrade camp
  7. Upgrade quarry and upgrade well
  8. Clear to apiary
  9. Upgrade camp
  10. Clear to cow farm and put out fire
  11. Repair cow farm and upgrade apiary
  12. Clear to grain farm and upgrade
  13. Upgrade cowfarm and well
  14. Upgrade cowfarm third time
  15. Clear around to the right from top and bottom
  16. Build totem
  17. Trade with merchant at top right 5 times for bandages
  18. Drive away the mummies
  19. Give the shaman 3 crystals
  20. Build totem
  21. Give Megacobra 20 milk

Level 18



Level 19

  1. Clear up the left side stopping at the cobra
  2. Clear along the right to the sawmill
  3. Put out the fire and upgrade
  4. Clear up the right side
  5. Upgrade the sawmill
  6. Upgrade the camp
  7. Repair the well
  8. Remove wasps by chicken farm
  9. Repair the swamp road
  10. Upgrade the well
  11. Upgrade the chicken farm and pick up chicken
  12. Clear to apiary and put out fire
  13. Repair apiary and upgrade
  14. Remove crocodile to top right
  15. Upgrade the cow farm
  16. Upgrade the apiary
  17. Upgrade the well
  18. Upgrade the cow farm
  19. Clear up around the top to the quarry
  20. Upgrade the camp
  21. Trade for grain
  22. Upgrade the quarry 3 times
  23. Remove mummy blocking path to center
  24. Remove crocodile to right
  25. Trade milk for bandages
  26. Build totems
  27. Remove mummy blocking totems and build totems
  28. Clear to the center past 2 more cobras and 1 alligator
  29. Click on architect to finish

Level 19



Level 20

  1. Clear down the right to the sawmill
  2. Put out the fire at the sawmill
  3. Keep clearing to farm
  4. Upgrade sawmill twice
  5. Repair well and upgrade
  6. Upgrade sawmill
  7. Upgrade well
  8. Upgrade grain farm  3 times
  9. Repair cow farm and upgrade twice
  10. Upgrade camp
  11. Upgrade cow farm
  12. Repair road across top
  13. Upgrade camp
  14. Trade for bandages
  15. Upgrade camp
  16. Clear to quarry
  17. Clear off mummy
  18. Repair quarry and upgrade three times
  19. Keep trading for bandages
  20. Clear into the center
  21. Trade for crystals
  22. Clear mummy and build totem at bottom left
  23. Megadonkey needs 30 grain, 5 crystals
  24. Sphinx requires 30 wood, then 25 stone, then 10 crystals

Level 20



Bonus Level 2

  1. Clear to quarry and upgrade twice
  2. Pick up the logs and then light the fire (hold off collecting chicken)
  3. Build the bridge
  4. Pick up supplies and light fire
  5. Build next bridge
  6. Pick up bandage and clear mummy to the right
  7. Build the bridge and light the fire
  8. Trade for wood
  9. Upgrade camp twice
  10. Pick up honey and water
  11. Clear wasps and light the fire
  12. Build bridge to grain farm
  13. Wait on milk
  14. Upgrade grain farm 3 times
  15. Build bridge to well
  16. Now start collecting milk
  17. Light fire and trade for bandages
  18. Upgrade camp
  19. Build bridge to left
  20. Clear to the quarry
  21. Keep trading for wood
  22. Build bridge to bottom left
  23. Upgrade chicken farm
  24. Now collect chicken
  25. Send 15 honey to its altar and stop collecting
  26. Upgrade cow farm
  27. Build bridge to right and remove mummy
  28. Upgrade chicken farm
  29. Fill altars as you get 15 chicken, 15 milk, and 15 wood

Bonus Level 2