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Farm Frenzy Forum

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I have read the walkthrough for thi...

I have read the walkthrough for this game here on your site and it talks about selling your animals. How do you sell animals? would really appreciate it if someone could answer this question for me. I have tried but nothing works. Is it a special thing you have to do?
I apologoize for putting this in the wrong catagory. But could someone please answer this question. How do you sell your animals? Obivously just clicking on an animal isn't the answer? Because I have tried that, and I am getting frustrated.

By hollister
To sell the animals, click on your cart, or truck (the vehicle used to take your items to town). On the right, you'll see a list of your animals. You'll see a "dispatch" column. Click "all" to sell all the animals of that type or on the specific number you want to sell. You should see the animals appear as boxes in your truck.
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