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The Beast of Lycan Isle Forum

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The Beast of Lycan Isle

By luvdaleafs
Cannot pour magic water into receptacle. Please help.
By luvdaleafs
Cancel. I've got it!
By becca
Nothing happens when I click on the Red Hat. How do I open up the Bonus Game?
By lashawn
I keep seeing "go down stairs and confront the wolf". The museum is locked,am I finished with the game?
By roo
I put the moon phase in at Brinas house, they lite up (I'm sure they are correct, they don't move anymore) and I was never given the angel key. Is this a glitch or where is the key? Please help........ugh!
By butterfly12
Can't get the bonus game started. Clicked on red hat but nothing happens and the hint keeps telling me to go downstairs and confront the wolf. What am i missing?
By reddragon
not sure what to do after the game and after the museum. i keep clicking the hint and it keeps saying "explore the island" or find the friend's items, or finish the old woman's work. doesn't give any clue as to what to do. really lost
By sue
I would like to know if I have finished the game when it tell u to visited the island
By bb
trying to open the church and can't find the moon disk . can anybody help me?
By kirrieloon
The Beast of Lycan Isle Bones 2
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